World War II Wiki


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World War II Wiki
World War II Wiki

Welcome to the World War II Wiki! The Community Portal is where the wiki can find some guidance to important pages on the wiki. This should be one of your first stops when joining. 

New to the World War II Wiki?

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If you're new here or perhaps need some guidance, you can go to the forums, you can visit the newsletter so you know what new contests you would like to enter, and you can also go and find an admin to tell you what's what. The Community Portal talk page (see above) allows you to discuss important things about the wiki such as maintenance.

Important Links[]

What you can also do if you want to add content is check out the wiki Wanted Pages found in the list above and see what people want you to add! Anyone can add an article, it's free!

Other Things to Do[]

  • Some other important things to do include fixing up our older articles so that they meet our new quality standards. After all, our wiki is judged on its content and thus we want our content to be the best possible.
  • Visit the Jobs Available to see how you can be more productive with your time.