World War II Wiki


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World War II Wiki
World War II Wiki


I think that it might be good to consider the following groups and websites as affiliates, since they might be able to help provide members who can contribute to the wiki:

 Sascha Kreiger  Talk  Contributions  | Sturmkrieg    20:34, January 17, 2012 (UTC)

I think it would be good to focus on advertising on other wikis before external organisations/sites.  JAF1999  Talk  Contributions  World War II Wiki Bureaucrat   16:42, January 19, 2012 (UTC)

DE Fallout Fanon and Warhammer 40,000 Wikis[]

I could offer support on both of these wikis. --Sascha 19:41, February 7, 2012 (UTC)

That would be good if we get their support. -- Fargo84  Talk  Contributions  World War II    19:58, February 7, 2012 (UTC)
