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World War II Wiki
World War II Wiki

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The SDK Carbine was a suppressed bolt-action rifle developed in Nazi Germany, around 1939. It was chambered for the 9x19mm Parabellum Cartridge.


The SDK was designed in the late 1930's, and issued to Gestapo units within Nazi Germany. It was designed as an assassination rifle, used for shooting as quietly as possible whilst ensuring that the target was killed. This was achieved through using a large silencer rather than a conventional rifle barrel. Allegedly, in order to ensure the death of the target, the relatively weak 9mm cartridges used by the SDK were filled with cyanide, so that if the initial impact from the shot did not kill the target, the cyanide would quickly poison them. Whilst it is unknown how many SDK carbines were actually produced, very few exist today, so it is safe to assume that production of the SDK was extremely limited.[1]

Notably, the weapon was commissioned by Graf von Helldorf, who was heavily involved in the July 20th plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler.

