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World War II Wiki
World War II Wiki
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300px-AVS 36

An AVS-36 battle rifle.

The AVS-36 was a selective fire battle rifle deployed by Soviet soldiers in World War II.


It used the 7.62x54mmR rifle round. AVS-36 stands for Avtomaticheskaya Vintovka Simonova model 1936.

The design of this battle rifle had many flaws. The firing mechanism was very compliacted, which often led to the weapon jamming due to the dirt that could get inside the weapon. The AVS-36 was also especially inaccurate. The magazine of the rifle held fifteen rounds. The AVS-36 could also be fitted with the M1936 bayonet, designed specifically for it. The AVS-36 could also mount the PE sniper scope, turning it into a sniper rifle.

The AVS-36 saw combat in the early stages of the war, in both Poland and Finland. Finland captured many of these rifles and used them against the Soviet Union. In the Soviet Union, the AVS-36 was largely replaced by the newer SVT-40, although the SVT-40 faced a lot of the same problems as its predecessor. However, the AVS-36 remained in service until the end of the war in 1945.

