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World War II Wiki
World War II Wiki

RAF Insignia

"This is command; do not engage, I repeat do not engage"

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The A41 Universial Tank Centurion was a Universal Tank (Medium tank, just about, for World War II standards) [Later became known as a 'Main Battle Tank'] designed by Great Britain at the very end of World War II.


The A41 Universal Tank Centurion was a late war vehicle designed by Great Britain. In World War II, it mounted the Ordnance QF 17-pounder.




By the end of World War II, only 6 models were produced before the end of World War II. The Centurion was mass produced with a number of variants in multiple countries after World War II.


The A41 had not serviced in World War II as it entered the war too late to see any action just like the Object 704 and the IS-3, but served with many nations in the Cold War. After World War II operators included:

Derivatives of the Centurion are still in use today with some militaries


The A41 Main Battle Tank Centurion had many variants, almost all of which were produced during the Cold War. A41 Centurion: Very first variant, armed with the Ordnance QF 17-pounder gun





During World War II, the Centurion did not see action as it came very late into the war. However, the Centurions were used all the way through the Cold War, and even serves with some armies today (South Africa)

